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If you are a knowledgable therapist and you would like to be listed here so that users can seek your advice on how best to use these tools please contact us.
If you are unsure how to do self help or have questions of a therapeutic nature, you should seek the advice of a medical practioner, therapist, counsellor or coach.
(See our list below for suggestions).
Our recomendations each have different session rates. Each has unique expertise in certain areas or has certain things in which they specialise. All of those listed do work online.

Please remember to visit the FAQ first because it may save you a lot of time.
You will probably get an immediate answer to your question in the FAQ.(Frequently Asked Questions)

Before emailing you should also check the Noticeboard. If we know that any issues are affecting multiple users we will post information for you on the Noticeboard.

What to include in an email:
If you have checked the FAQ and also the Noticeboard, but still haven't found an answer to your technical issue then of course you may need to send an email to technical support.
The following is what we advise you should include in your email in order to allow us to be able to help you.
1. Include the make and model of your device.
2. Include the name of your web browser and its version number if you know it.
3. Include full and clear details of the technical issue or problem.
Sending a question which lacks these very important details may prevent you from getting the answer you need.
If you have not heard back within 24 hours then please remember to check your spam folder.

When you are happy that you have done the steps above click here to send a technical support enquiry.
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