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Terms of Use & Disclaimer

Self Help
Therapists, Counsellors and Coaches


Use of the site, or its resources constitutes a full acceptance of the terms of use. If you do not agree with these terms then you must not use either the site or its resources.
By using the site, you confirm that you are at least eighteen years old, and not prohibited from receiving services under applicable laws. Access to the site and its resources is only granted to users capable of forming legally binding contracts under the law.
If you represent a corporate entity or business entity, you must have the authority to bind them to this agreement and failure to do so will make you personally liable for the obligations outlined here.

Self Help:

The platform does not provide crisis intervention services and users should contact emergency services if they are in crisis. Users who are unsure as to suitability should seek advice from a licensed medical practitioner. The self-help tools are provided on an "as is" basis, without warranty. This platform does not claim universal applicability or endorse use of the tools in all circumstances. The tools provided on this platform are meant for self help, personal development and well-being. These tools are not intended to be a substitute for professional mental health care, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. This platform makes no guarantee regarding the effectiveness or specific outcomes of using these tools in any particular circumstance. Users of the resources on this platform do so at their own discretion and users take full responsibility for the outcomes of any such use. The platform is not liable for use or misuse or for any damages or losses incurred or alleged to have occurred from use of the resources available via this platform. This platform may periodically update or remove self-help tools or other resources without notice. Users are encouraged to check the platform regularly for updates and new tools.

Use by Therapists, Counsellors, Coaches or Similar Service Providers:

Important Note:

We want to be very supportive of therapists, counsellors and coaches.
For this reason the below terms regarding use of the resources in sessions are intended to be favourable, and to create no mandatory subscription requirement at all for therapists, counsellors or coaches.
Although we wish to be generous, the terms must be followed.
Some uses are permitted and some uses are prohibited.

If you are a therapist, counsellor or coach then you must behave ethically and you must be appropriately insured to offer such services to your clients. You accept full responsibility for your work with your own clients and also for any guidance issued to them.
If a therapist, counsellor or coach ignores our terms or does not follow these terms then they put themselves, or even their clients, at risk of penalty for copyright infringement.(See Copyright)
Any service provider who is so unethical as to fail to follow these terms may also be banned from using our resources.

There are four types of situation in which therapists, counsellors and coaches work with clients. Each type has specific terms which specify what is or is not allowed. The four types of situation are as follows:

    1 Working in Person with an Individual Client
    2 Working Online with an Individual Client
    3 Working with Groups Online or Remotely
    4 Working with Groups In Person

It should be noted that subscriptions are NOT available in all locations. This is regrettable but is for regulatory reasons. (See list of locations)

1. Working in Person with an Individual Client:

In person* sessions with just one person are permitted but therapists, counsellors or coaches may only use certain tools. They may use the free demonstration audio. Additionally, if the therapist, counsellor or coach happens to have a personal paid subscription to this website then that therapist counsellor or coach may also use any of the audio tools which have a white tick in the top right hand corner of the icon. No other audios may be used.
Clients should be shown this website so that they know the source of the tool in use. If the therapy client themselves has a paid subscription with this website, then the client themselves may play any audio to which the client has access.

*"In person" means that the therapist, counsellor or coach and client are located in the same building and the same physical room at the same time.
Note: Subscriptions are only available in certain locations. (See list of locations).

2. Working Online with an Individual Client:

For online sessions (and similar) the person who is receiving therapy care or advice must play the audio for themselves on their own device. They can be guided to this website in order to do that, and they should use earphones or earbuds. Therapists, counsellors and coaches are strictly forbidden from playing the audios during any kind of online session or during telephone consultations. This is because all forms of broadcast are prohibited.
If the client does not have a subscription then the client may only play the free demonstration audio. If the client has a paid subscription with this platform then the client may play any 7 Minute Self Help audio to which they have lawful access. In either case they must play it for themselves via this platform.
Note: Subscriptions are only available in certain locations. (See list of locations).

3. Working with Groups Online or Remotely:

Online or remote demonstrations to groups of persons are strictly prohibited.
Broadcast demonstrations of any kind are also prohibited.
(See above and also see notes on copyright and breach of copyright.) Therapists, counsellors or coaches who have group followings may however refer persons to this website for the purposes of self help. They may also offer tips on self help.

4. Working with Groups In Person:

In person* group demonstrations are permitted but therapists, counsellors or coaches may only use certain tools. They may use the free demonstration audio. Additionally, if the therapist, counsellor or coach happens to have a personal paid subscription to this website then that therapist counsellor or coach may also use any of the audio tools which have a white tick in the top right hand corner of the icon. No other audios may be used. Attendees should be shown this website so that they know the source of the tool in use.

*"In person" means that the therapist, counsellor or coach and client persons are located in the same building and the same physical room at the same time.
Note: Subscriptions are only available in certain locations. (See list of locations).


All content is protected by copyright and by intellectual property laws. This copyright covers all content. Copying, reverse engineering, creating derivatives or distribution by any means any of the content of the platform, website or websites is prohibited. The copyright holder has authorised only certain resources to certain locations and only certain tools for certain types of use by therapists, counsellors or coaches or other service providers. Any attempt to bypass these terms is a breach of copyright.
At our discretion we may watermark audio so that breaches can be traced back to specific users. If a user breaches any of these copyright terms then they agree to pay compensation to the copyright holder. Such compensation shall be at a rate to be determined by the copyright holder as being commensurate to the nature of the breach plus any legal costs or costs of enforcement or recovery. Payment shall be due within 28 days of request.


Persons who try to hide their location or attempt to bypass any geographic restrictions are forbidden from using the website or its resources.
7 minutes is not an absolute claim. It is an indication as to the approximate length of a therapeutic audio on the 7 Minute Self Help platform with the exception of the free demonstration audio tool which is of longer duration. The demonstration audio has extra explanation in order to help newcomers to understand the process.
No provider can absolutely guarantee 100% uptime and no claim is made in that regard. Although we endeavour to provide resources which are free of malware (and similar), no system is perfect and users must have antivirus and other security software in place on their own devices. The platform is not liable for use or misuse or for any damages or losses incurred or alleged to have occurred from use of the resources available via this platform. We reserve the right to update this policy as necessary and you should check this agreement regularly.


In the event of any dispute, UK courts have jurisdiction.

Terms of Membership (When available)

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